Choose your Shadowsocks-Libev Server

Select your shadowsocks-libev support plugin OBFS TLS and HTTP.

  • Very Fast UP to 10 Gbit
  • Support All device and OS
  • Plugin OBFS TLS
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Very Fast UP to 10 Gbit
  • Support All device and OS
  • Plugin OBFS HTTP
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
Shadowsocks Libev Support OBFS plugin

We have 2 varian shadowsocks libev. first obfs libev TLS/SSL and obfs HTTP. each variant has advantages. but 2 this variant have very high speed connection. Please try these two variants and if you have any advice, please submit them to us on our social media.

Shadowsocks-Libev/Obfs, the first type you can choose and use to access sites freely and securely. It has various advantages to offer. The performance of this software is very good, because it uses a lightweight script so it doesn't burden the server. That way, the speed for loading will work optimally and provide high and stable speeds on the connection. The reason is, it has launched a sophisticated View on GitHub feature. Moreover, it is accompanied by secure encryption to protect users' privacy. In addition, there are supporting features including: Multithreading Support, TCP Fast Open, Simple Obfs, IPv4 & IPv6, integrated with Google BBR TCP Controller and UDP Transfer Support, advanced security using AEAD Cipher & Encryption, can support TLS Obfs&Obfs URI in Simple-Obfs, has compatibility capabilities in the integration of various clients, to connect devices simply using the One Button Installation and QR Code Scanning feature, there is an SS &QRCode Scheme so that the connection becomes automatic and detailed, you can even hide your identity by spoofing a web server using Apache and Fail2ban to ban Force Cracker.

Why must Shadowsocks

This is benefit if you use shadowsocks and why must be use shadowsocks from our server

Boost speed you network

Your network Boost up to 10 Gbit.

Simple Connect

Just Create and Import.

Very Low Ping

Use shadowsocks very low ping for streaming and game.


if use shadowsocks very secure and proctect your network.


Difficult to detect and block.


Support TLS/SSL so guaranteed security.
